along with the monster mania projects, im not sure why last term ends really quick lol.
maybe i was actually enjoying it =o, anyway.. about my holiday, it was actually most fun holiday i had,
we went to Macao>Senzhen>HongKong, i liked the weather. cold like 12'C but not very cold that u'll go freezing lol and get to wear my jacket everytime haha! yeah i loved my jacket very much and i dont get to wear it in Malaysia bc its so damn hot here =(, went to alot of nice places, <3 'Window of The World' at Senzhen
but i enjoyed this trip very much mostly bc of my niece! damn shes so damn adorable !!
last time i saw her, she was only like little baby with no hair and cant smile for shit lol.
but now.. shes 1 year old and currently superstar among our family, everyone loves her
my mom probably wants to kidnap her already haha! she wants a daughter bad i guess =(! too bad she keep spitting out male babies but its all good, bc she spitted out handsome babies like me HAhAhAh!!!
here she is, borned to stand out */nod*
i cant even get enough of her (i doubt anyone can!!),
this is just one of her pics out of shittons of'em
i cant even get enough of her (i doubt anyone can!!),
this is just one of her pics out of shittons of'em

ok so about 4.1, first week of college and we already have 3 assignments..
we've 4 subjects; "Layout Design"; "Identity System"; "Typo 1"; "Interactive User Design";
so far, the classes are ok but not what i like the most (missed photoshop class and Daffee =(!)
we're now at 3rd week and already have tons of assignments, damn it >_>
starts from Booklet Collage, weekly 10 typography collage, logos making (with 25 logos etc etc...), 'favorite word' typo photo,... lol i'll stop here... kinda frustating thinkin about this hahahahaha
anyway... ive decided to sell Hiro (at last) so i can commit on my study and not half-assing my projects,
while im not sure that i wont be doing that (halfassing projects i mean) , im sure as hell i'll be doing more useful stuff now that i dont have Hiro anymore.
decided to go back on my Japanese study (maybe), which i already forgot like.. most of it (back to basic hiragana and katakana learning arrrgghhhh.. dont even get me started on kanji..)
also my current obsession, 'Digital arts/painting'
most of the works are just so stunningly beautiful and very fairytale-ish
like this one! this is back cover from the book i bought with alot of thought few days ago..
bc it cost a fortune lol, most expensive book i bought so far,
but the contents are very good with tutorials, great images, and stuff. not regretting so far haha
well i dont really regret anything when it comes to books, great investments!

also bought some books from Indo, very cheap too!! like rm30 only each
i dont really like this one though.. so not my style haha *fuck aliens*
i dont really like this one though.. so not my style haha *fuck aliens*

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