doesnt really care
2. How about drinking?
nope, dont give a damn
3. Do you like someone you can't have?
yes? no? maybe?
4. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you?
i suppose
5. What's your favourite sport?
used to swim alot , badminton, and some table tennis.. not anymore tho lol
6. It's saturday night, you're home alone. What do you do?
7. Do you like roller coasters?
8. When's the perfect time to have a bf/gf?
no idea, its only a status anyway
9. If you could date any celebrity, who would it be?
none, most is idiots with pretty looks
10. What are you doing this weekend?
no plan
11. What is your favourite restaurant?
lol do i need to answer =p
12. Have you ever hugged someone?
13. Ever kissed someone you weren't attracted to?
umm i guess
14. Do you like someone right now?
15. What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?
ummm.. boobs lawl
16. Which do you prefer, Beach or Mountains?
fine with either, prefer beach
17. What kind of phone do you have?
Nokia something something
18. Computer or Laptop?
19. Jeans or sweats?
20. Which year(s) has/have been the best so far?
21. How old are you gonna be on your next birthday?
22. What should you be doing right now?
23. What is your favourite TV show?
24. What's been your last purchase?
um rollcake
25. Are you attracted to girls/boys that smoke?
most likely not bc they smoke
26. Have you ever fallen on your butt in front of a crowd of people?
27. What do you do when you're at home?
28. What is your favourite subject?
none for now, too early to decide, but User Interactive Design is quite interesting
29. What's the best thing that happened on you?
get to knows u =)
not taggin anyone bc its a waste of time >O!
anyway, been very lazy since i came back from my trip and very busy week
ill upload some pics when i feels like doing it..
and also been considering to sell something that have been accompanyin me for the last 4yrs,
its currently up for bid and already went up to 1.6k USD in a night, thats quite alot of money..
and i can get PSP with it lol.. but after askin opinions from alot of peeps, ive some doubts in my mind :(
when i think about it again..
do i need the money? no.
do i need the PSP? no.
so what for i sell it?
at first, i thought if i can get rid of this thing, i can commit on my study
except.. its not this thing that really distracted me, it just pure lazyness i guess?
maybe im trying too hard to proof that this hobby is in fact not like what most ppl think.
but again.. why the fuck would i care what ppl think? i never did, so why should i now?
ok ill stop here, since im too sleepy to write an essay.. to be continued.

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